Remarkable Remodeling Trends for Your Bathroom

We know the start of a bathroom remodel can be a stressful and time consuming project for many, but it can actually be a fun project with a little added inspiration to the mix. 2019 is filled with new ideas and we are sure these designs will get you inspired.

Furthermore, here are the latest bathroom trends of 2019:

1. Incorporating Wood

More and more homeowners are going for furniture pieces made of wood for their bathroom. You can also integrate a hardwood floor to create a unique contrast with the usual materials found in a bathroom. These materials end up turning a space even more relaxing and warm. Wood comes in all kinds of tones and varieties, allowing you to customize your bathroom to your personal preferences. For those of you concerned about the quality of wood in a moisture filled space, this material breathes quit well and naturally absorbs moisture. However, it is necessary to wipe down any excess of water to avoid the wood’s deterioration over time but overall is a great option to consider for your bathroom.

2. Asymmetrical Accessories

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Now is the chance to be original and experiment with patterns on both your floors and walls.  Asymmetrical shapes are becoming quite popular when it comes to the arrangement of cabinets, mirrors and even the bathroom faucet! If you are the type who likes to change up the look of your bathroom frequently, we suggest experimenting with easy-to-replace accessories!

3. Functional Water Spaces

Creating a ‘water space’ is an increasingly popular concept. If you are unfamiliar with how this 2019 trend works, both bathtub and shower are in the same open area of the bathroom. The creation of an efficient and functional water element has become quite popular and certainly allows the restroom to look much bigger than it is. With this example displayed above, all it needed was a simple glass barrier to separating the water space from the rest of the bathroom.

4. Marble & Ceramics

Bathroom tiling with various shapes and patterns has been a popular design element for quite sometime now. Many homeowners want to take this trend to the next level by installing patchwork into their space to bring out originality and character to the space. This marble bathroom featured above is a beautiful and clean design that will surely get you excited if marble is the look for you.

5. Bathrooms are growing in size for optimal convenience and relaxation

Nowadays, the bathroom is not only used for cleanliness, it’s also a place of relaxation and homeowners want a space to feel comfortable and fresh. So, why not expand the space? If applicable, you have the ability to expand your bathroom from another room in the house or a room that contains your washer and dryer. If this idea is not a possibility, there are numerous design elements that will make your space look larger and modern, just by ‘optical illusions’.  For example, tile your floor with bigger tiles so that the room looks bigger.  Not only will your bathroom look bigger, but it will also look cleaner! Give it a try because, what homeowner wouldn’t want to kill two birds with one stone?

6. Keep it Clean & Original

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No matter what year, a trend that will always be a favorite of homeowners is a clean and refined style. These styles lately are considered more contemporary and warm. Earthy colors, grey tones, and white seem to be the fan favorite but if there is a color that’s bold and suits your space and personality, don’t be afraid to incorporate it into your design!

7. Vintage Decor

A vintage design is not only a popular design element for a living room, but also perfect for a bathroom! This unique look includes decor from vintage mirrors to  light fixtures or whatever other vintage decor you enjoy to make your bathroom your own personal style. If you are searching for materials such as the ones listed above, they can be found at thrift shops and even garage sales if you are lucky! Incorporating vintage brings a distinctive look to your bathroom and this trend is perfect if vintage is your style.

8. Simple Storage Ideas

Bathroom cabinets tend to hold many products that do not get used frequently. Do you find bobby-pins hiding in every crevice of your bathroom or different make-up products scattered on the counter? Rather than adding storage to your washroom, why not simply go through your existing products and get rid of all that storage and keep only the necessities. However, open storage areas  such as hanging shelves  can be ideal for daily essentials, all while keeping your bathroom looking clean and chic.

9. Tech-Savvy

Photo Credit: Pinterest

As technology evolves, an increasing number of tech options are available for a bathroom. Mirrors with built-in LED lighting, motion detecting faucets, and even automatic temperature regulators are growing in popularity. Whether one wants to control lighting or view the day’s weather forecast, technological advances are constantly offering new options.

10. A small bathroom with big expectations

The biggest challenge for a smaller bathroom: making it look much bigger than it truly is. To make the space look as luxurious as a larger bathroom would look, you can factor in more materials into your design plan that make the space fancy and sophisticated. And don’t be afraid to use marble or concrete! As for storage in a smaller space, make the most out of your space by adding some cabinets higher than you typically would in a larger space or utilize any open available space under the sink. Just because a bathroom can be small, it does not mean you can’t be creative with the look.

We hope you have gotten some inspiration for your next bathroom remodel project! Have fun with these 2019 bathroom trends and remember to stay true to you and your style. Just remember, the possibilities are endless.

About Us

First founded as a siding company in 1977 in Waunakee, Wisconsin, our company has evolved into a full-service interior and exterior remodeling resource. With years of industry experience in materials selection, design expertise, and professional custom craftsmanship, we’ve established ourselves as the premier remodeling company in South Central Wisconsin.

If you have any questions, give us a call at 608-709-7517  or schedule a free consultation here.

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